- Center for Catalysis and Chemical Engineering (CKHI):The leading and unique center in Serbia in the field of catalysis, catalytic processes, and chemical engineering.
- Research Focus:Fundamental, developmental, and applied research with the goal of industrial application.
- Organizational Structure:Consists of the Department of Catalysis and the Department of Chemical Engineering.
- Key Research Areas:
- Catalysis (heterogeneous, electrocatalysis, photocatalysis, enzyme catalysis)
- Chemical Engineering (fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, separations, integrated processes for water and gas purification)
- Reactor Systems (design and production of microreactors)
- Potential Applications of Research Results:
- Food industry
- Environmental protection and green energy
- Medicine
- Other industrial sectors
- Infrastructure:Laboratory for testing surface, textural, adsorption, and catalytic properties of materials, analytical instruments, instruments for electrochemical testing, reactors, systems for the synthesis and preparation of materials, pilot plant for drying.
- Human Resources:A highly competent team of researchers with significant experience and young talents.
- History:Established in 1985 by merging the Department of Catalysis and the Department of Chemical Engineering (founded in 1961). Long tradition of research on textural and surface properties of materials.
- International Cooperation:Developed cooperation with institutions in Serbia, the region, and abroad.
- Priority:Development of young research staff in the field of catalysis and chemical engineering.